24 Feb Dentist in Evanston, Illinois: Dealing with Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding is a problem that affects many of us. Some of us grind our teeth in our sleep, entirely oblivious to the fact that we’re doing it. Others do it while wide awake, well aware of our bad habit. Regardless of the circumstances, teeth grinding can be a problem.
Are you a teeth grinder? Interested in learning more about teeth grinding in Evanston, Illinois? If so, read on. Below, we’re going to cover the concept in detail, revealing its dangers, symptoms, and treatments.
What are the Causes of Teeth Grinding?
Those who grind their teeth generally do so for a number of reasons. The most common of these reasons is stress. Anxiety-ridden individuals tend to shift and clench their teeth as a coping mechanism during stressful situations.
Another common cause of teeth grinding is tooth misalignment. Those with crooked teeth tend to shift their jaws back and forth while they sleep at night. This is especially true for those who suffer from sleep apnea.
The Dangers of Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding can have a number of negative consequences, some serious, and others relatively inconsequential.
At a minimum, tooth grinding can lead to slight tooth loss. Over time, as the teeth create friction against one another, they grind down. In the midst of this grinding-down process, they can also suffer chips and cracks, creating both functional and cosmetic problems.
Some teeth grinders may experience pain in the temporomandibular joints, or
TMJ pain. This pain will start as just a minor condition, but it can grow into something more extreme over time. In some cases, it can even lead to chronic headache and earache.
In severe cases, teeth grinding can cause the enamel on your teeth to wear away. Over time, this leaves the teeth progressively more prone to decay.
How to Tell if You’re a Teeth Grinder
While some individuals are aware of their teeth grinding habit, others are entirely unaware of the condition. Fortunately, there are ways to tell whether or not you grind your teeth.
A fairly sure sign that you’re a teeth grinder is that you have flat back teeth. Over time, as your teeth apply pressure against one another, they start to deteriorate. This deterioration can cause your teeth to flatten out against each other, sometimes creating misalignments.
Another sign that you grind your teeth is that you experience jaw pain. Jaw pain is the inevitable effect of constantly shifting your teeth back and forth. In some cases, this pain can spread, resulting in chronic headache. In other cases, it can result in frequent jaw popping.
Treatment for Teeth Grinding
Thee are many treatments for teeth grinding. If you grind in your sleep, you can be fitted with a mouthguard to prevent direct tooth friction.
If your grinding is stress-related, you should strive to find ways to address your underlying anxiety. Relax, meditate, and avoid caffeine. This will help set your mind at ease, and may help reduce your teeth grinding.
If you’ve suffered physical damage due to teeth grinding, it’s strongly recommended that you see a dentist. Crowns and veneers can be used to restore your teeth both cosmetically and functionally.
See a Dentist in the Evanston, Illinois Area
If you can’t combat your teeth grinding troubles on your own, a dentist might be able to help. Are you interested in seeing a dentist? If so, and if you’re looking for a dentist in Evanston, Illinois area, the dental professionals with Dental Innovations are the people to see.
Lead by Dr. Thomas E. Murray, our team goes out of its way to make patients feel both comfortable and welcome in our office. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Murray today!